Triumph’s PLAY program offers weekly opportunities for social events as well as one-on-one interventions to assist with social skills and community integration. PLAY provides the opportunity for individuals to build close relationships and become involved in the community.

Group Social Activities
A monthly calendar of events provides a wide array of activities such as restaurants, museums, games, picnics, and other activities that individuals may suggest. At least two staff members attend each event to promote healthy interactions.

Individualized Social with Participants
Includes assessment, development, and expansion of social skills; assisting and empowering individuals to participate in community activities.

Community Integration
Assists individuals to expand community resources, understand health options, and building social support networks within the community.
Social Calendar
Each month the Social Committee creates a social calendar of events. Activities include trying new restaurants, game nights, going to a sporting event, and many more.
Community Integration Statistics: 2016
Ready to Triumph?
If you think you or you family member would benefit from play services, please take a moment and answer a few questions below.