Triumph’s TRANSITION program allows individuals to gain greater independent living skills. Coaches address an array of needs including:
social skills training | hygiene and appearance | following rules | financial literacy | social media networking/etiquette | college prep | self advocacy | stress management | job tries | driving training/permit | resume development | volunteer/internship exploration
Summer Programs
Triumph offers transition programs for individuals 16-21 years old with developmental disabilities.
summer program

This course is divided up by the three components of the Triumph model: Live, Work, and Play. This four-week program is specifically designed to introduce the tools needed for independent living (week one), job acquisition and readiness (week two), improving social skills in the community (week three), and a paid work experience (week four). The 4 Week Sessions are offered in June and July.
Click here for a full description of the Job Exploration Training Summer Program.

A one week college prep course designed to assist students with developmental disabilities. Areas of focus include: campus tours, accommodations 101, social skills, discover campus resources, roommate etiquette, independent living skills, organization, health and safety, hygiene, appearance.
Summer 2018 Dates Monday- Friday, 8:30am-1:30pm Session 1: June 4- June 29* Session 2: July 9- August 3* * A week prior to each session, Triumph will offer a parent orientation
Ready to Triumph?
If you think you or you family member would benefit from transition services, please contact us here.