My First Week at Triumph

 In Profiles

image1Remember those first days of college where everything was new and you had to decide…..fight or flight? That’s exactly how I felt on my first day at Triumph. That first day was a whirlwind. Within an hour of meeting everyone, I joined the employment team on a field trip to tour an employment facility. On the way back to Triumph, I learned that I was in good company with my coworkers; we all love Crockpot cooking and going to Rojo. Seems like I made the right choice!

The following day started off at Support Team meeting. Another whirlwind. Information shared amongst coworkers all going over my head. I vigorously made notes of terms to ask about later. That evening was spent with members of Triumph’s Women’s Group. This quickly became my favorite part of my day. We ate together and answered a survey with some questions sending us over the edge with giggles. Like, “I secretly…” and “Last time I laughed….”. You can only imagine the kinds of answers we cooked up!

IMG_1574-2 The highlight of my week was spending time with Jess, a participant at Triumph. Jess has an infectious smile. He is a laid-back guy and very easy to talk to. Jess is passionate about computers. Later that afternoon Jess showed off his crossbow skills. Jess laughed out loud when I told him I could never shoot like that. He said I would need to workout and build up my upper arm strength…. a lot…….thanks Jess!
My first week went by quickly with no objection from me. What better way to start off a new job than to hit the ground running?

-Lauren Quinn

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