Jamming for Therapy

 In Blog

Up until last Monday, I believed the words “drums” and “therapy” did not belong in the same sentence…then my mind was blown at a Triumph social.

FullSizeRender-2 Mark Lucas, a certified drum therapist, brought his African drums to Triumph and showed how drumming is absolutely a form of therapy. Mark works with the nonprofit organization, Drums and Disabilities. DAD was founded by Pat Gesualdo. After college working as a drum teacher, Pat developed his drum techniques and practices to benefit children with disabilities. Those techniques were eventually shared with kids and adults alike with disabilities.

Looking around the roFullSizeRender-2om on Monday, I witnessed the entire group focus in on every word and every sound Mark made. Everyone took a turn on the drums and Mark showed us how to play different rhythms. Even those hesitant at first made their way to the front of the room to join in.



By the end of the evening, we sounded great! The room felt relaxed and calm. Now, who was it that said drums and therapy don’t belong together? Oh yeah. 🙂

Click here to watch us jam!




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