Hitting it out of the Park!

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Mychal being interviewed for Barons baseball about his art

Mychal being interviewed for Barons baseball about his art

The 5th Annual Autism Friendly Birmingham Barons Game was a huge success!  We were so proud to be one of the 20 organizations who sponsored the game.

We are even more proud of, Mychal, a Triumph participant and award winning artist. He took a turn in the press box and shared about his participation with Triumph, what “autism friendly” means for baseball-goers, and about his work in the upcoming Triumph Art Show.

The gorgeous day led to lots of fun times and new friendships!  We are so thankful to the Birmingham Barons, our fellow nonprofit sponsors…especially the Autism Society of Alabama for helping organize such a great event!

Triumph participants at Autism Friendly Barons Game

Triumph participants at Autism Friendly Barons Game

Regions Field

Regions Field

Autism Friendly Barons Game T-shirt

Autism Friendly Barons Game T-shirt



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